Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm a slacker!

It's been a while for me. Time flies.

I've been super busy at work, getting for ready shop-a-thon. Got my review and my boss wants me to do more creative projects with him, so someday I can have a person working for me and I get to do all fun project he does now. Overall it was good. he told me I needed to stop taking the blame for other peoples errors and tell them if they can 't get the info in time then I can't get their stuff on time. That is hard for me. I feel like if I do that it will make me look needy and unhelpful. ANYWAY!

Well I was back at the hospital since my last post. KNOT HEAD again! I had 12 yes 12 cyst removed from my scalp again. Doc. says he thinks it will be a while before I have to have it done again. He feels like they might have been there as fat deposits and thinks that maybe if I keep loosing and don't regain they will not return, BUT he says he could be wrong. He also complemented me on the impressive growth of them. He is silly. I'm gonna miss him, now that is all done I have no reason to see him, I hope he thinks of me everytime he gets into is new sports car or whatever he bought himself after my three surgeries he did this year on me. LOL Any way they are gone again and I have a smooth head. Now I just have a bunch of scars! I sure hope being bald never takes up fashion for women. But all is well, I can wash my hair without hurting myself LOL.

I have made my Thanksgiving cards, then I made my list to discover I need a whole lot more. I guess I need to downsize my card list. i have had 3 people ask if i was going to do my Christmas card workshop so I guess I need to work on that.

I just have too much to do. When I'm tired thiking of it all.

oh a new photo of all the cool new color of Christmas Trees we have at the Ridge. Check us out there is some cool stuff this year! I thikn my favorite is the lights and sounds of Christmas for $100 it hooks up to 6 yard decor things and makes them flash to synchronized Christmas Music. VERY COOL