Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Well so much had happened since last week.

Thursday late afternoon Bill started having abdominal pain again and it was bad enough that he requested a ride to the ER. As usual when we got there the pain was gone. But we stayed. This time the found he has Gallstones. His blood levels were off the charts so he was admitted. We expected surgery but due to the power outages from IKE we had Ike Baby Weekend, he was bumped 4 times from surgery for emergency c-sections. So he and doc decided to send him home and do the procedure out-patient vs. staying there for 2 more days. He was feeling fine and all his blood work was excellent when he left so he was no longer an emergency patient. He is back and work and being his normal self. We are hoping for this Friday, we are just waiting on the insurance and doc to work out the day.

On June 22 Julia and Hannah will arrive in Texas to stay with us for about 6-8 weeks. We have a lot planned for them. Beach, July 4th Parade, Dallas, Sea World, Scrapbook Camp, RAD kids self defense school and lots of read and book reports since they both need help with reading. I think I will make them read me a bed time story each night. OOO yeah! And Roller Derby...can't for that!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back to Back

I doubt anyone is reading this since I've been such a slacker on posting. :)

Today I have been so tired, then I got the hiccups and for some reason they were painful. They lasted about 1 hour. I hope that does not mean I'm growing!

Tomorrow I will have a helper. They have hired a floater to help with stuff, like copies, shipping and gathering samples. She gets to sit with me and watch me work...what joy for both of us!

As you can see I really don't have much to say!
Going to see Zoe, my new great niece tonight! I need to stop and get her a little something. Like ummm a ummm...what kinda treat do you get a one month old? LOL

It's Spaghetti night!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Well I have decided to make a new start with my BLOG. I'm going to do my very best to post atleast twice a week. WISH ME LUCK.

Looks like the girls will be here in 15 days. They are flying down this year. The process is a little complicated since they are only 10 and 11, but it the fastest and cheapest way. THey are not scared, they are excited. Julia is defiantly coming, Hannah well her mom says it all depends on how she does on her test this week. She (Hannah) decided about 3 weeks ago she as done with school for the year, so she has to get her head back into it before she can come to visit. I think she will. When they do get here we will have 8 weeks with them. Parental practice. I have got a lot to day to get ready for them. Gotta get a foam pad for them, they prefer to sleep in our room on the floor. And I want to get my art room done, so the girls and I can make stuff. Maybe I will be able to use up all the odds and ends of junk I have.

We are in month #2 of the fertility pills. Please pray they do their magic this month. I really don't want to go up to the next level of dosage. The 100 mm make me crazy enough! Other that than I don't really have a lot of new news.

Loving Facebook. I have found a lot of old good friends! It's great!