Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finally the day we have been waiting for is fast approaching. 2.5 days until we meet our gift from God! Our daughter! Brandy. I wish I could post picutres but not yet. But soon! It has been a long road. Lot's of classes that were real eye openers. Honestly I feel some of the classes should be requirements for everyone. Not just parents. It has been a roller coaster of highs and lows. But since May 5th it has all been highs. We are now at the stage where we are allowed to call Brandy nightly. Some nights she is very talkative and ask a lot of questions others not so much. You can tell in her voice she is excited and scared just like we are. We sent her a bunch of photos and I made her a metal embossed sign that says MYERS Bill Robin Brandy. She really liked it. I can't wait to teach her how to make her own. I have not been sleeping much for serveal weeks. Lots of shopping and decorating in my sleep. She will be home in 38 days, FOREVER!