Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2 more days

Only 2 more days with my GALLBUDDY! I sure hope his removal puts and end to my "issues".

This past weekend was a full one and quiet fun. Saturday we did our usual trip to the Tatums so Bill can make some side money for the trip. Sunday we headed over to Pick A Part for the 50% off sale. Bill got many things he needed for Berthas rebirth. We actually found a K-5 the same year to rob part off over, that made him happy. The we had a little for Lynsey's B-day! Monday back to the Tatums to work and BBQ. I helped Rick cook and was my hands were burned by jalapeƱos juice from making Bacon Wrapped Shrimp. TASTY! The the big adventure of the weekend. Bill actually got me on the 4 wheeler with him. I'm such a big wienie when it comes to stuff like that. I screamed and screamed, then he made me drive! LOVED IT! I did not want to get off. I was so flipping tired on Monday! But it was all worth it. I'm sure this weekend I will not be doing much of anything!!!!

After the recovery I HAVE to start the dreaded swimsuit shopping. That might actually be worse than the surgery. LOL

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