Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wednesday Already

I would like to say I'm Thankful that the week is nearing the end, but I'm loaded with work at the RIDGE and as the week ticks away I feel like I'm further behind! But have no fear! Super Robin has it under control. The plan is tomorrow I will not answer the phone or even read my email (except of store issues, avoiding those will just make more work for me). Before lunch All the daily specials must be completed (I can do it) before I go home at least 2 more pages must be done (I can do it). Let's hope tomorrow I remember to take a potty break for I have to run the 1/8 mile to the nearest restroom. I don't know why I freak out, this happens every year, just like the past 17 years I served at the RIDGE, it has not killed me yet, it only makes me stronger! LONG LIVE THE RIDGE.
I can't wait...5 more weeks and the ad start falling to every 3 weeks instead of every week, maybe JUST MAYBE I can get caught up then. Even though it may not sound like it I love my job and the people I work with. OH the bras should be in any day for those who are interested, I hear though they are not for buxon ladys, but for those still in training LOL.

Make up thankfuls for my few days of slacking!

Sunday -- Lubys and their yummy fish, with corn and mac n cheese.
Monday -- Bath and Body Work Vanilla Ice Cream Lip Gloss OH MY...would it be wrong of me to eat the tube?
Tuesday -- When my moms calls me at work just b/c she was thinking of me. It makes me happy! Even though at some point in the conversation she trys to slip in some guilt of some sort, but isn't that what moms do?
Wednesday BONUS -- Bertolli Dinners - wow that was easy and tasty.

RUB ON my Friends! RUB ON!

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